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发布时间:2023-06-09 16:13   浏览次数:次   作者:佚名


关于”人工智能对交流的影响“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:The influence of artificial intelligence on communication。以下是关于人工智能对交流的影响的高一英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The influence of artificial intelligence on communication

One of the development trends of Computer Science in the future is artificial intelligence, which is the research and artificial simulation of human thinking. Ultimately, it can make human like to use the same machine to serve human beings and help people solve problems. After all, people think that it is unique, emotional, and has a variety of characters.


It is difficult to realize mechanically, and it should be like human thinking machine Artificial intelligence is the only kind of artificial intelligence. It can not solve all kinds of scientific problems and promote the development of other sciences through the research of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the best in my opinion.

Artificial intelligence science is waiting for human beings to explore its real connotation step by step.





2:人工智能对通信的影响,One of the development trends of Computer Science in the future is artificial intelligence, which is the research and artificial simulation of human thinking. Ultimately, it can make human like to use the same machine to serve human beings and help people solve problems. After all, people think that it is unique, emotional, and has a variety of characters.

It is difficult to realize mechanically, and it should be like human thinking machine Is the only kind of artificial intelligence. It is not through the study of artificial intelligence that we can solve various scientific problems and promote the development of other sciences. Artificial intelligence is the best in my opinion.

Artificial intelligence science is waiting for human beings to explore its real connotation step by step.





3:人工智能对交流的影响,I know you've been through a hard time, but I think you can handle it well. Despite a lot of homework, you can allocate your time reasonably. You can finish those things in a hurry first, and don't force yourself to take part in those competitions when you have time.

Remember, as long as you can, no matter what others can do, you don't need to put your hobbies into practice It puts pressure on you, because you are under a lot of pressure at school and homework. You can spare some time to do what you like as a rest. I think it's a good idea to combine them.

