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发布时间:2023-03-12 09:22   浏览次数:次   作者:佚名


全文45页 约30000字 论述翔实

目 录

第1章 绪 论1




第2章 市场营销与网络营销2

2.1 市场营销与市场营销理念2

2.1.1 市场营销内涵2

2.1.2 市场营销理念发展2

2.2 网络营销内涵及特点2

2.2.1 网络营销的内涵2

2.2.2 网络营销的特点2

2.3 市场营销与网络营销的关系2

第3章 旅游景区网络营销2

3.1 旅游景区网络营销含义及内容2

3.1.1 旅游景区网络营销含义2

3.1.2 旅游景区网络营销内容2

3.2 我国旅游景区网络营销发展现状与策略2

3.2.1 我国旅游景区网络营销现状2

3.2.2 我国景区网络营销发展策略2

第4章 案例分析——峨眉山景区网络营销方案2

4.1 峨眉山风景名胜区概况2

4.1.1 峨眉山景区基本情况2

4.1.2 峨眉山旅游业发展2

4.2 峨眉山网络营销的实施2

4.2.1 峨眉山景区营销发展现状2

4.2.2 峨眉山网络营销现状及其不足2

4.3 峨眉山网络营销的实施对策2

4.3.1 背景概述2


4.3.3 改善实施方案2

结 论2

致 谢2


附 录2

摘 要






关键词 市场营销;旅游网络营销;


With the further development of tourism industry, the control power of the market has turned from corporations to consumers and tourism spot marketing has been paid more and more attention. Particularly, the development of modern information technology and the fastening process of economic information call a new way for tourism spot marketing. That is tourism spot internet marketing.

Basic on bother domestic and external research, this text raises a point that tourism spot internet marketing has an important position in the tourism management. The most important work in the tourism spot management is to analyze the internet marketing principle and the instance of the tourism spot and then to find out the deformity and the formula of improving it. It also takes the internet marketing of Mountain Emei as an example to demonstrate the point.

It is a text of four chapters: the main part is chapter three. In chapter two, it analyzes the principle of marketing, and raises a point that internet marketing is the trend of marketing. Chapter three explores the principle of internet marketing. It is the stress of the text. The focal point is the formula of internet marketing.

Chapter four is the case of the internet marketing of Mountain Emei. By analyzing the character of it, it analyzes the stratagem of the product, the price, the place and the promotion to explore that tourism spot should pay attention to the find out the deformity and the formula of improving the internet marketing. The text explores the formula of internet marketing in Mountain Emei.Keywords:Marketing ; Internet marketing ;




[15]维克多•密德尔敦 .旅游营销学[M].北京:中国旅游出版社,2001年



